c. 1960's Fender Echo Reverb Tel-Ray Oil Can Delay
This Item Is Located At Our IVG Burbank Store
In Very Good Overall Condition (Please See Photos)
Back Panel Has Been Replaced With A Fitted Piece Of Wood
Power Cable Has Been Replaced
Tested And Fully Functioning
Comes As Shown
TEL-RAY is a long-forgotten California electronics company that made "tape-less echo effects" in the 60's, before analog delay pedals existed.
The mastermind behind this space-age approach to delay effects Tel-Ray's head honcho, Ray Lubow.
Instead of tape, "Adineko Memory System" used what looks like a tuna can filled with electrolytic oil. A tiny motor pulls a miniature rubber belt, spinning a flywheel armed with a pickup inside the can, acting like a recording head, sloshing it around in the oil to produce echo.
While some Adineko effects were designed to create delay and reverb, others produced a strange pitch-shifting effect, an uneven and somewhat schizophrenic warbling sound.
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